Free from crumble and custard

Now that SY is getting a bit older and adventurous, I've been experimenting with different recipes that I'd love her to try. Today as it's Sunday, I figured a fruit crumble might be nice! The crumble itself isn't an issue as it's easy to make a dairy free crumble topping using plain flour, vitalite and sugar, but custard without eggs or cornflour is a challenge! But as you just can't have crumble without custard or cream (and she cant have oats or soya so oatly and alpro single cream alternatives are out the window!) I figured I'd try making some "fake" custard using a roux. It turned out surpringly well! So here's my free from berry crumble with "custard" recipe....

For the crumble:
200g plain flour
100g vitalite or any other dairy free margarine
100g sugar
Frozen berries

Defrost the berries and place in a oven proof dish. Sprinkle with a spoon of plain flour and a tablespoon of sugar. In another bowl, sift the flour and add the vitalite. Rub the fat in to the flour until it resembles bread crumbs. If it looks more like dough, add more flour. Stir in the sugar and sprinkle over your berries until they're covered. Bake in a preheated oven at around gas mark 6 for 30-40 minutes until the top looks brown and crunchy.

For the "custard"
1 tbsp plain flour
1 tbsp vitalite
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 cup koko or dairy free alternative milk

Add the flour and vitalite to a saucepan and stir on a low heat until you have a dough ball. Add a tbsp of koko milk and stir until absorbed. Repeat and stir not adding too much liquid too quickly until you have a custard like mixture. Add the sugar and vanilla and stir until dissolved!


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