5 weeks old - gurgle gurgle!

Munchkin was 5 weeks old yesterday. She's started gurgling a LOT. This morning after her bottle and nappy change I actually managed to quickly brush my teeth, get changed, even put some makeup on, all while she gurgled away on her changing mat. She loves talking to her black and white padded book I bought from an NCT sale. Her talking is getting quite loud, with the odd squeal!

Shame she's not so independent more often. The past two days she's been so unsettled, only lasting 10-15 minutes at a time in her basket before crying very very loudly and having to be picked up. Yesterday I got nothing done in the afternoon. I didn't even manage to make dinner because I had to hold her all afternoon. She only had one long nap while I was holding her at 5pm. The upside, she was so knackered from not sleeping all day that she slept like a log last night!

She's definitely growing! Her head seems huge! She's finally in her 0-3 months babygrows which swamped her before! That's the only way I can gauge her growth as I can't tell how much she's grown when I see her every day. Friends have said she's getting bigger though!


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