The joys of parental phone calls

Why do phone conversations with parents seem to go round and round in circles?! For example:

Me: hi mum. Do I need to bring xyz with me to yours tonight?

Mum: oh. I don't know. Do you have xyz with you?

Me: no. That's why I'm calling. To ask if i need it so i know if i need to go home to get it. So you don't know?

Mum: no. I'm not sure. Are you going home to pick it up before you come round?

Me: I don't know. That's why I'm calling you. Why are you asking me the same question I'm asking you! If you don't know if I need it or not, I'll go home and get it.

Mum: yes. I'm not sure. Oh, let me as your Dad and call you back....

Me: no! It's fine! I'll just go home and get it! *ends call, walks to nearest wall & bashes head against it. Hard*

And then there's the other Mum speciality, the quick fire spate of calls. Usually reserved for when I'm at work, but known to occur when I'm also at home (usually when I'm washing up, cooking, or doing some other task that means my hands aren't free, and usually when I'm upstairs and the phone is downstairs...)

Phone rings. I frantically dash downstairs. Phone stops ringing because they've put the phone down because they want me to call them back on my mobile and use my free minutes. I decide to call back later when my hands aren't covered in raw chicken/washing up suds etc. Walk away from phone. Phone rings again. Run back to lounge.

Mum: Erin. Hi. Call me back.

Phone mum back on mobile, which is now covered in salmonella and/or fairy liquid. Phone rings for a good 30 seconds (why I don't know, when she was JUST talking to me).

Mum: Do you have that container I gave you? Can you bring it with you next time you come round?

Me: yeah ok mum. I can't really talk right now. I'll call you later.

Mum: oh ok. Bring it round wheb you come round, Ok? thanks.

2 minutes later....

Mum: Erin hi. Sorry I forgot to say

Me: ok mum I will do. Got to go. Speak to you later!

Phone rings again...

Me: yes Mum what?

Mum: sorry. Sorry. I forgot to say also blah blah

Me: alright I will. Bye!

Get back to what I was doing. Just as hands get dirty again, phone rings.

You get the idea... thankfully she doesn't do that too often. She usually resorts to emailing me instead. Thank god she's never gotten into the habit of texting!! Assault on all online mediums! Argh!

This is only going to get worse with age right?! *shakes head in defeat*

Love you to bits mum. Was too good not to blog! Sorry! Haha!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


csmallwood said…
I'm not always like that!!! How did I know you were going to blog our conversation!!! It's because you are my clone and you'll be like me one day - something to look forward to!

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