Google books for FREE!

Why did I not know of this? You can get books, online, or on your mobile, for FREE! Google books is a database of novels, available for anyone to read thanks to an agreement with the Authors Guild and other associations and individuals. I'm not really a fan of reading books electronically, uncharacteristically shunning e-readers like the kindle and sony e-reader (you all know I'm a gadget lover) for the feel of turning of a paper page and ability to see how far you've progressed through a book, but it's still handy to know if you can't get down to the library or are bored silly, you can access a good book online!

Take a look at their online catalogue. It's by no means small! I think I'll stick to the real thing though for now. I am currently devouring my way through another Terry Pratchett book, Going Postal, which I reckon I'll have finished by the end of the bank holiday!


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