Office sunset

Weird... I posted this on Friday and it never appeared...! This was SUPPOSED to follow on from my purple sky post a few days ago! This was the view from my office window on Friday afternoon... pretty!

So far, weekend has been un-eventful... Yesterday went to visit smelly's friend who has had a baby (yes another one!). OMG that baby has a FULL head of hair! Thick thick hair! haha... then today we went to High Street Kensington to look for my red shoes, but the shop that sells them isn't there! So I ended up shoeless... did buy some new makeup though! Then felt ill with a horrible tummy ache so we went home... and THAT was my Saturday... rain rain shop rain...! Hope tomorrow is better! At least my fortune cookie numbers from Canada finally came through! I got 3 numbers on the lottery and won £10! Woohoo!


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