Hakka Red Pork

YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally attempted to make the red pork dish my Popo always makes as I got hold of some red rice from Mum. It's not quite finished yet but just tasted it and OH MY GOD it tastes GOOOOOOOOOOD! So, just so I don't forget what I did, I'm going to write it down!!

1lb of belly pork diced
1 teaspoon ground red rice
half cup sherry
dash soy sauce
4 teaspoons sugar

Basically bung it ALL in the pot in one go and simmer for 40-45 mins until the liquid has reduced and thickened and the belly pork is soft.

Think I added a bit too much sugar this time round as it's a bit too sweet so had to add some water and a bit more soy sauce to try and tone it down. Make some soup too... yum yum...


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