My first blog!

Hmm, well, thought I'd start a blog, new year new start and all that!

Ok so what can I say in my first blog? Well... how about some new years resolutions?! Maybe if I write them down I'll stick to them!

Ok... number 1: Give up smoking! I'm going to try to stick to this one as best as I can... have to give up some time and 2006 is as good a time as any! If I quit at the beginning of the year I can keep track of how well I'm doing easier!

Number 2: Get stuck into my arty stuff! My boyfriend got me a BRILLIANT camera for my Christmas present so I can FINALLY get round to doing all those artistic photos I keep on going on about taking... I already have a few shots in my head which I made a mental note of when on the bus to work etc... so will have to take one weekend some time and drag him round London with me to take the pictures haha...

Number 3: Stop being so lazy! I really need to get into doing some exercise this year, not because I think I'm fat (I lost half a stone before Christmas, although I've probably put that back on again now!) but because apart from the weekly game of badminton at lunchtime with guys from work I don't do ANY exercise... so need to rectify that!
Ooh this is hard... what else, I need at least 5 resolutions!

Number 4: Save more money! I want a decent deposit for a flat by the end of 2006!

Number 5: Be a more patient and kind person generally... i.e. think before I speak and try to be all round a good person... maybe then my karma will be a bit better this year!

Ok, well that will do for my first blog post... maybe I should make one more resolution...

Number 6: Write in my blog at least once a month!!


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