Hollywood whitewashing

This: http://u.pw/2iJxXq5

This just proves you don't need huge household names to make a film successful. Representation matters... for ethnic minorities. For women. Rogue one ticks both.

It's such a shame that Ghost in the Shell producers didn't think to cast Asian actors and filled the film with white A listers instead. "Whitewashing" in film making is a thing. And it's a thing I've blogged about time and time again. 2009 it was Dragonball Z (http://scrambledeggsblog.blogspot.co.uk/2009/06/dragonball-zzzzzz.html), then 6 years ago it was about whitewashing the cast of Akira (http://scrambledeggsblog.blogspot.co.uk/2011/04/hollywood-whitewash-manga-yet-again.html).

The ridiculous list of films that were based in Asia or on Asian characters, all cast with non-Asian actors, is shocking. http://www.homemademimi.com/get-picture-adventures-correcting-yellowface/

And it's not just a 50s, 60s and 70s era issue. It's still happening now. I want more representative role models for my daughters. I want them to watch a film, or TV, and say mum, she's chinese! Just like me! How many opportunities do we get for that kind of reaction currently? Zilch. Mulan doesn't count. She's a cartoon (which I forced upon my impressionable little 3 year old as she's also one of the few Disney "princesses" who doesn't play the damsel in distress or rely on a prince to save her. In fact, she saves HIM. But that's a whole other can of worms!).

When will Hollywood start casting talented minority actors in the roles they're deserved? Rogue One is a great start, but there's a long way to go...


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