Manipulative minx!

Well that confirms it. Madam is turning into, well, a little madam! All week I've been getting text message updates from mum, saying munchkin won't lie down and drink her bottle, that she's crying and screaming and wanting to be picked up all the time, refuses to nap. I started wondering if she was going through some traumatic mental developmental leap or something and was demanding comfort... but no. She's just been a manipulative little horror! It's Friday so mummy and bubba day, so I prepares myself for tantrums and battling feeds. Turns out, she has been good as gold! Drank a decent amount of milk and finished all her bottles (awake!), laid contentedly in her cot when I put her down and fell asleep without so much as a peep both this morning and this afternoon. No screaming and shouting. No clinginess. She's been an angel. Even ate a little bit of noodles at lunch (not much, but let's face it I'm not expecting miracles!). 

So it seems she just turns into a clingy, sleep deprived, bottle refusing terror for her Popo. Maybe she knows mummy won't stand for it. Or maybe she just loves her Popo more than mummy and wants to be carried all the time (sob!). Either way, she's definitely turning on the tears and manipulating my parents to get her own way. Typical girl! How?! How did she learn to do that?! She's 1! God I'm in trouble in another 17 years time...


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