We're having a little.....

....GIRL!! Yes yesterday I had my 20 week scan and we finally found out the gender of our little beanie baby! I had a gut feeling all along that we were having a girl for some reason, but everyone's adamant opinions that I was having a boy had me doubting my gut feeling for a while. My Aunty Belinda did a crystal pendulum test on my tummy over Easter, asking the crystal if it was a girl, and three times it said yes! It was right! Looks like the heartbeat theory was right too (heart beat over 145bpm for a girl, slower bpm for a boy). Now we can start thinking about names and BUYING things! Yay!!

Our little girl didn't make the sonographers job easy though, wriggling around and kicking! She's going to be a real fidget I can tell. She also kept facing away from the probe making it really difficult to get a side on profile photo of her face! She had her arm up on front of her face too, just like she did in the last scan!

The sonographer only let two people in to the room with me so mum and hubby came in and poor Dad had to wait outside. Mum asked a billion questions during the scan, asking what this was and that on the screen. When we were finished and came outside I asked dad to guess what the baby was and he said a boy. He looked really disappointed when I said it was a girl and said oh well never mind! A joke I'm sure and after having two daughters he was probably hoping for a grandson. I'm sure when she's born she'll charm him round her fat little finger though heehee!

So excited to meet our little girl now! I finally feel safe to start buying the things we need and get started on decorating the nursery! Woohoo! Another blog post to come on that! :D


Yy said…
Congratulations again! x

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