Great new RSS app: SlideReader

I'm always on the hunt for the perfect RSS reader for my iPhone. I subscribe to several blogs and the number of unread posts can quickly run in to thousands, so a clean yet interesting user interface is something essential yet hard to find. There are hundreds of RSS apps in the app store, but the majority are either too basic or not user friendly. The best app I'd found so far was Pulse, but I wanted to see if I could find something more akin to Flipboard for iPad. Then I found SlideReader.

SlideReader allows you to import your Google Reader RSS feeds by signing in to your google account once. You can then view which feeds have new posts and opt to view them one by one, or in a "broadsheet" newspaper daily digest (like Flipboard). This daily digest format is great! It's like browsing a magazine with content only you are interested in! Tap the article you wish to read more of, and it takes you to the full post. You can then mark the post as read or unread, share it via Twitter or Facebook, or mark it to read later (you need a account... not sure what that is and a tad annoying you need to sign up to another site!). You can also star/favourite posts.

The great thing about this app is that it's FREE! With so many paid apps out there not doing the job, this one is definitely worth a download! I think I'll keep this and pulse on my phone, to use depending on my mood!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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