Yes it's that time of year when the ghoulies and the ghosties come out to play.... I am the biggest wuss when it comes to scary spooky stuff, freaking myself out watching Dead Set on Tuesday (which incidentally was actually really good... see Wednesdays post for the low down) to the point where I had to stay up an extra half hour watching the music channel after convincing myself I heard screaming outside my house... which actually probably isn't that unlikely... I DO live in Deptford...

Anyway, to detract from the witchy-pumpkin-fest... I decided to go all googley-eyed cute. Tis the tradition to dress up on 31st October, and some crazy people with far too much spare time on their hands are just not satisfied with donning an entire shops worth of loo roll in the name of mummification... they have to submit their pets to the same torture (and lets face it, if I had a pet, I'd be doing EXACTLY the same thing!). So, enjoy... hope they don't give you a fright!

More cruelty can be found here.... 


Anonymous said…
The ewok one is my favorite.

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